Friday, January 24

Home Garden Designing – How to Get Started

Whether you’re planning on planting an herb garden or a vegetable plot, you’ll need to take a few important steps to ensure that your dream home garden comes to life. For starters, you should consider the size and function of your new garden. Larger gardens will require more planning, but you’ll also have the benefit of playing around with scale and connection with surrounding structures. As for budget, make sure to plan accordingly.

The first step in home garden designing is to work out your budget. Budget for the project and look for areas of the house you can save money. The most expensive parts of your garden design are usually retaining walls, steps and ramps, boundaries, patios, paths, and ornamental planting. If you’re looking for a screen to block the view from your neighbors, semi-mature specimen plants will be expensive. Once the basic structures are in place, you can begin planning the rest of the garden.

Next, you’ll need to sketch out your plants. Make sure you consider the specific conditions that each plant will require to thrive. Ideally, your garden will include only those plants that will grow well in the specific conditions. The more attention you pay to the needs of each individual plant, the healthier your garden will be. A good resource to use for this is Plant Finder. These tools can help you identify the best plants for the type of soil you have and the climate that they require.

Once you have an idea of the overall design, consider the size of your plants. If you have a small space, it may be better to install a smaller number of plants than you’ll actually need. Annuals and perennials are easy to thin, but trees, shrubs, and even a few shrubs and walls can become overcrowded and difficult to manage. You can use online tools such as PlantFinder to estimate the height and spread of different plants, so that you can create multiple designs to fit your space.

The world of horticulture is constantly changing, but one thing remains the same: designing a home garden can be rewarding and fulfilling. If you’ve never tried home garden designing, it’s time to start! Start small by adding a small planting bed or bare ground. Check out Missouri Botanical Garden and Kemper Center for Home Gardening for inspiring ideas. It’s worth the time to research what’s available and get inspired! You’ll be glad you did!

Conifers are trees with cone-like flowers or leaves. They are generally evergreen and bear cones or needle-like scales. If you’re planning to plant a conifer, be sure to consider incorporating a hedgehog highway, bee houses, or bird feeders. Other popular features of wildlife-friendly landscapes include a pond or a bee hotel, a compost heap, and trees that attract pollinators. Adam Frost, the presenter of Gardeners’ World, explains how to plan a landscape that is friendly to wildlife.

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