Sunday, October 20

Tag: GardeningForBees

Bee-Friendly Gardens – Plants and Design Tips to Support Pollinators

Bee-Friendly Gardens – Plants and Design Tips to Support Pollinators

Bees need flowers that bloom continuously through the growing season, such as Evolution(tm) Fiesta Coneflowers and wild columbine perennials. Bumblebees and certain solitary bees prefer ground nesting, so provide hiding places such as hollow logs and dead plant material for them. Increase the blooming season in your garden with spring bulbs, hellebores and crocuses as well as late-season favorites like irises, lilyturf and Joe Pye weed. Avoid pesticide use where possible; if necessary use spray only early morning or dusk. Nectar-Rich Plants Pollinators need flowers that produce abundant nectar to survive in your garden, so consider planting a range of blooming species at various times throughout the year so each pollinator has access to food sources all year long. Choose nativ...