Thursday, March 6

Tag: Dangerous Is Plumbing

How Dangerous Is Plumbing?

How Dangerous Is Plumbing?

Home Improvement
People tend not to associate most professions with danger; however, as with any job there are inherent risks attached - plumbers being no different! They frequently must work in environments with limited oxygen, such as ducts, boilers, pits and water tanks; they could also be exposed to disease-spreading rodents and polluted water sources. Slips & Falls Plumbers working at heights face an immense danger in wet environments and working at heights. Slipping and falling can result in serious sprains, strains, back injuries or broken bones - one of the primary causes of workplace injuries. Plumbers work in tight spaces such as crawl spaces, industrial boilers, and trenches where there may be toxic leaks or not enough oxygen for breathing - potentially leading to suffocation or...